A Guide to Implementing the Theory of Constraints (TOC)





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Tell Me How You Will Measure Me

It has been said; “Tell me how you will measure me, and I will tell you how I will behave (1).”  The measurements in any organization are the No. 1 formal feedback system in that organization.  So let’s start with measurements in order to better understand our current approach to business, and to help us do that let’s also return to our simple model that we first saw in the introduction.

How would you be measured in such a system?  If you recall it was likely that you were in work up to your eyeballs.  Is that an issue?  It certainly shows that your position is important and necessary and that you have lots of work to get through.  If others have even larger piles of work it might lead you to believe that they are not as efficient as you are.  Is relative efficiency an issue?  It would seem so.

What if it was actually another department or section that wants the work next or that should have provided you with the work by now, rather than someone from your own department.  Somehow the issue is always greater – or at least a great deal more noise is generated when one department is waiting upon another.  Does that every reach a stage from time to time that might be described as frustrating?  Probably around about the time one department is yelling at you to provide something that is still stuck in another department somewhere else.  The matter is essentially beyond your control and yet, somehow, you are apparently responsible none-the-less.

Does this frustration ever look like becoming despair?  Well probably annually if your company has performance reviews.  Maybe even more frequently if you are accountable for departmental performance.  Accountability for departmental performance might be some derived efficiency report, it might be some sort of derived profit or cost report.

Reductionist / Local Optima Approach

The whole internal business performance measurement system is based upon local optimization, either in the form of departmental utilization/efficiency measures or as departmental cost/profit performance measures - or both!  And we don’t need to limit ourselves to departments within a business.  It could equally be businesses within a company, or companies within a corporation.

It takes some conscious effort to realize that the formalization of local efficiency measures through the activities of “scientific” management – Taylorism – is only about 100 years old (2, 3).  Scientific management is such a seductive idea because it legitimizes the actions that we as individuals find so effective in our local settings (family, friends etc) and applies it directly to our work processes.

We assume that the total performance of the system is the sum of all the local performances.  In fact it is so common that we probably don’t even give it much thought.

This approach then is the reductionist/local optima approach; departmental cost or efficiency is just a symptom or an output of this method.

Let’s look at local profit centers a little closer.

Each department has a budget, representing a flow of money into the department (even if it is only a credit in a set of numbers in a management account somewhere).  Money also flows out of the department in the form of expenses (again, even if it is only a debit to those same management accounts).  The difference is the profit for that department.  At the period end if you “make your numbers” there is no problem.  If you don’t make your numbers there is no other problem.  We assume then that the sum of the profits for each department is the same as the total profit for the system as a whole.

However there is condition that must be met in order to sum the local profits as we have just done.  The condition is that there is independence between departments.  Let’s examine that condition.

In order to sum the local profits, indeed the local optima, the inflow of work into each department must be truly independent of the other departments.  An independent input and output has been drawn in.  If I owned a franchise for a no-names fast food shop in several different towns, then I would meet these conditions and I could sum the local profits because my input/output (customers) are geographically isolated from each other.  Does this reflect reality for most process systems?  Probably not.  Let’s have a closer look.

For most systems that we are thinking of there is no real independence of the work flow from department to department.  Oh, we might fool ourselves, and say yes, we have so much work-in-process that the work flow behaves as though it is independent (as we have drawn above) but we all know that when that urgent job needs to move through the system there are dependencies for sure.  So, let’s draw the system as it really is.

This is quite a different diagram to the earlier one.  We have in reality full dependence; we can’t sum the local profits to get the profit of the system because each department is coupled by the work flow.  This is why we suffer frustration, we want to do something, but we can’t because we depend upon someone else doing something else first.  Moreover, the output from this system is always less than we expect that we are capable of given the sum of the local outputs.  Of course we can always fudge this to some extent in our annual budget round by under promising in order to ensure that we perform adequately.  Overall, however, if we are measured against some standard that assumes independence such as efficiencies or cost/profit centers then the frustration will turn to despair.

So, How Do We Measure Success Here?

We typically determine success in several ways.  In absolute terms by net profit, in relative terms by return on investment, or in survival terms by cash flow (4).  But how do we relate our on-going operational decisions – our departmental decisions – to overall system success?  How do we bridge between our operational decisions and system success?  Goldratt and Fox have coined this bridge the “cost” bridge (4).

Let’s draw it.

Any local actions that has a positive effect on cost (reduces it) will increase net profit, increase return on investment, and increase cash flow.  In fact, in the section on the bottom line we essentially accepted this without question.  Remember?  We calculated that a 10% decrease in operating expense at current output would result in a 13% increase in net profit in our example.  The only thing in contention was whether we should be satisfied by such an increase.  Such a cost saving would increase net profit, return on investment, and cash flow.  In fact why stop there?  If we could get our vendors to shave 10% off their prices as well, we could increase these bottom line measures even further.  Clearly decreasing cost always has a positive impact on the bottom line – right?  Let’s investigate this a little further.

The P & Q Analysis

In the Haystack Syndrome, Goldratt presented a small thought experiment, known as the P & Q problem (5).  It is named after the two products it produces – “P’s” and “Q’s.”  This elegant little example, strictly educational, seems to have taken on a life of it’s own as it turns up in various examples to illustrate concepts as broad as total preventative maintenance.  Often the numbers and the story have mutated somewhat in the process, but at the heart is the P & Q problem.

Because the example is educational, I have split it out here into separate pages (you wouldn’t cheat but you might accidentally see the answer before you see the question).  The P & Q question is here.  Try to work through it first.  The first part of the answer is here.  Check the answer after your first attempt.

The P & Q is important.  Please try to do it before you go any further.

What happen in the P & Q when you worked through it based upon your experience?  You probably tried to optimize it following some fairly rational arguments, you probably also got a less than desirable answer.  What went wrong?

Saving Cost Alone Is Not Enough

Saving cost is synonymous with local optimization.  However, we have seen from the example above that saving cost alone is not a sufficient bridge between local actions and the bottom line measures of; net profit, return on investment, and cash flow.  In fact neither is maximizing labor utilization nor any other of the local optimizations.

Maybe the P&Q was an exceptional example?  However if you want to believe this, then please read Debra Smith’s war stories in “Unbelievable decisions by companies you would know if I could name them (6).”  In fact to do justice, please don’t stop at the end of the first chapter of that book, read the whole book.

What then if you were to observe the financial manager of a large business or the owner/manager of a small business over a period of time?  Then, I think that you will see that decisions based upon cost are indeed undertaken – up to a point.  That point is where the person’s intuition takes over and the cost based decision is overturned or moderated (moderated by common sense as it happens).  The important point is that intuition should at some point take over.  The danger is that non-operational people, or financial people who “believe” the numbers but don’t have access to their composition, may make erroneous decisions as a consequence.  Cost-based decisions often give rise to the wrong answers.

Thus the bridge between local actions and the bottom line results of net profit, return on investment, and cash flow must be based on cost + intuition, and not on cost alone (4).

Is this satisfactory?  Well I don’t think so, but we can save that for the section on accounting for change.  Let’s leave the last word at the moment to Schragenheim and Dettmer “Operational decisions based on traditional cost concepts can be confidently considered unreliable (7).”

How Did We Get Into This Mess?

Well human endeavor sort of “grew” into this mess.  Think about it for a moment.  It’s not all that long ago that there were no process-based businesses.  Certainly the industrial revolution – the steam powered one that is – is only about 200 years old.  And the earlier phase of the industrial revolution – that waterwheel powered one – extends that time frame back about another 100 years.  Before the industrial revolution there were no process industries only cottage industries.

In a cottage industry – even where whole towns were involved, there were many small parallel systems of few parts – fulling, spinning, dyeing, and weaving wool spring to mind.  In fact they are rather like the first profit/cost system diagram that we drew with totally independent inputs and outputs in each department.  With the onset of the industrial revolution there was a move from many small parallel systems to a smaller number of larger serial systems of many parts.  The first processes industries grew out of linen milling and similar agricultural based processing.  The rest, as they say, is history.

Of course a large number of parallel systems in a loose network is an extremely robust form of process (8).  However, as we will learn in later pages, there are also ways to create very robust serial systems as well.

In all pre-industrial history local optimization equaled global optimization – they were one and the same.  However, as a process becomes more serial in nature it is less likely that local optimization can equal global optimization.  We outgrew local optimization in serial (industrial) processes, but we forgot to replace local optimization with something else.

What To Do – Rules Of Engagement

Let’s turn to natural systems for a moment for some guidance, “Living systems have integrity.  Their character depends on the whole.  The same is true for organizations; to understand the most challenging managerial issues requires seeing the whole system that generates issues (9).”

Let’s start again from scratch then – or if we want to be more proper – first principles.  It seems that we need to know what the system is that we are dealing with, where does it start, and where does it end.  We need to know what the system exists for, and we need to know how to measure progress towards the reason for its existence.

Scheinkopf expresses this as (10);

(1)  Define the system and its purpose.

(2)  Determine the system’s fundamental measurements.

Why do we have this particular order?  Well, the organization in fact defines the measurements rather than the other way around – the measurements define the organization.  Margaret Wheatley is more articulate.  She argues that in too many organizations “… the measures define what is meaningful rather than letting the greater meaning of the work define the measures.  As the focus narrows, people disconnect from any larger purpose, and only do what is required of them (11).”  We can’t afford to have people disconnect from the larger purpose, we are not going to let that happen here.

So, let’s expand this expression out a little more to get the following;

(1)  Define the system.

(2)  Define the goal of the system.

(3)  Define the necessary conditions.

(4)  Define the fundamental measurements.

This is going to be our basis, our rules of engagement.  Let’s look at each facet in turn.

Define The System

Let’s return to our simple model of a system again.  It seems that we are defining our systems as something like the beginning + middle + near-the-end + end.  We will call it “our system” for short.

Our system could, for instance, be a process within a business.

It might be a business stream within a company.

It might be a company within a division, or it might be a division with a corporation.  All that we need to know is that they are bound together by some commonality of process.  Consider a car manufacturer as the ultimate version of our simple system.

And let’s not leave out not-for-profit.  How about a public health system as an example?

And what ties the dependencies in this system together?  Us, the general public, the patients.  Public health systems have tremendous WIP – waiting lists.   Equally, they have lots of ways for pretending that they don’t have waiting lists, such as sending referrals back to their General Practitioners until they are really very ill.

Define The Goal Of The System

“’The owners have the sole right to determine the goal.’  If we are dealing with a privately held company, no outsider can predict its goal.  We must directly ask the owners (12).”  For a company whose shares are traded in the open market “a company’s goal is to make more money now as well as in the future.”

I underlined the word “open” because in some instances publicly held companies are not traded in the open market.  Consider Japan for instance.  Many publicly listed companies in Japan have tightly held multiple cross-shareholdings (and often considerable debt finance).  In instances like this we might expect that these companies will behave more like a private company would in other parts of the world.  It is not enough to assume that making money is the goal of these organizations.

Returning to our definition of the goal in openly traded companies; most often we find that the “more money” has been dropped from the definition, and that is what we will adopt here.  However, the word “more” indicates that the goal is in fact open-ended.  This highlights that fact that in contrast to a “necessary condition” you can’t have enough of the goal.  Maybe in the context of money therefore, the word “more” is redundant.  You can test this, ask someone, anyone, whether they wouldn’t like to make more money now and in the future or whether they are contented with what they currently receive.

Let’s write the goal for a public company traded on the open stock exchange.

We must make sufficient money to reward the owners of the capital after meeting all of our expenses, and we must make sufficient money to continue to profitably reinvest in the business.

Define The Necessary Conditions

Once we have defined the goal, we must define any necessary conditions.  Necessary conditions are minimum levels of other entities that must be present in order to satisfy the goal.  In this respect necessary conditions can be viewed as having limits.  Once a necessary condition is satisfied, additional levels of input will not result in an increased attainment of the goal.

The two most generic necessary conditions are (12);

(1)  Provide employees with a secure and satisfying workplace now and in the future.

(2)  Satisfy customers now and in the future.

Let’s add these to our goal.

How do we read this?  As follows.  In order to make money now and in the future we must provide employees with a secure and satisfying workplace now and in the future.  Also, in order to make money now and in the future we must satisfy customers now and in the future.  They key word is we must, we have to do it in order to make money.  Another way to look at this is; in order to make money we must have an appropriate process (employees) and an appropriate product or service for an appropriate market (satisfied customers).

Is this too pecuniary for you?  We could rearrange it a little.

Now it has really taken on a strategic flavor – a statement of the conditions that are absolutely necessary to ensure that the enterprise will be around both today, and in the future (13).  Thinking about it further, this is really a succinct statement of the loyalty effect – investor, customer, and employee loyalty.  The benefits are well documented (14).

But what if we are a not-for-profit?  Such as a government health provider.  “Necessary conditions are important to identify, especially for not-for-profit organizations.  Sufficient cash is usually a necessary condition.  Expenses might constitute a necessary condition if, for example, funding levels are fixed (15).”  That is to say, some not-for-profit organizations, charitable trusts for instance, might carry out some trading activity that is used to raise sufficient cash to carry out their goal.  Others that rely upon fixed funding must watch their outgoings with utmost care.

Let’s rewrite this diagram for a not-for-profit.

That’s interesting.  Do you see that the only necessary condition entity that didn’t change, regardless of whether we were dealing with for-profit, not-for-profit, or voluntary/government service was the entity that deals with secure and satisfied employees?  This is so important for success that it is difficult to stress it sufficiently.  It has important ramifications in the basic assumptions of management accounting for Theory of Constraints.  We will return to this theme in the section on accounting for change, and also in the section on strategic advantage.

Define The Fundamental Measurements – T I OE

We need to determine the fundamental measures for our system and then ensure that our performance measures are subordinated to these fundamental measures.  “Not just any measurements, but measurements that will enable us to judge the impact of a local decision on the global goal (16).”

“Measurements are a direct result of the chosen goal.  There is no way that we can select a set of measurements before the goal is defined.”  The measurements should enable us to judge whether a local decision has an impact of the global goal (16).

In a commercial organization the fundamental measures are defined by the following questions (16);

(1)  How much money is generated by our company?

(2)  How much money is captured by our company?

(3)  How much money do we have to spend to operate it?

Essentially we are asking; what is the flow of money into the system, what is the flow of money out of the system, and how much is kept in the system?  Goldratt calls these 3 measures; Throughput, Inventory, and Operating Expense.  These are often shortened to T, I, and OE and are defined as follows (16);

(1)  Throughput is the rate at which the system generates money through sales.

(2)  Inventory is all the money that the system invests in purchasing things which it intends to sell.

(3)  Operating expense is all the money the system spends in order to turn inventory into throughput.

Throughput can be considered to be revenue less totally variable costs (17).  A totally variable cost is anything that varies in a direct 1:1 relationship with sales; for instance transportation charges, or commission charges, might be totally variable costs.  If the company produces and sells another unit of product it will incur this cost, and if it produces one unit less it will not incur this cost (18).  Direct labor therefore is not included as a totally variable cost.  We need to be clear; variable costs are variable per unit sale.

Throughput is the financial value of an organizations output and must be measured in monetary units.  Output is the volume of product or service produced by the organization and is measured in physical units of some sort (19).

The next major measure, inventory, includes not only the traditional classes of; raw material, work-in-process, and finished goods inventory, but all other money invested in the organization such as in buildings, machinery, and other capital items – in other words the total investment.  More recently the term investment has been used synonymously with inventory.

Operating expense is the on-going cost of running the business including both direct and indirect labor.  You might like to consider these as the unavoidable costs of doing business.  In an example that I like to use, I ask people to imagine for instance what would happen if we were to close a ward in a public service hospital to patients for one week.  This has certainly happened in the name of saving costs.  How much cost do you think is saved?  In all honesty?  Probably not very much at all.  The unsaved portion is the unavoidable operating expense.

Of the saved portion in this example – the avoidable cost; some may be directly variable cost, and some may indeed be operating expense.  Although changes in operating expenses are not directly variable with volume this certainly doesn’t mean that they are not variable over time (20).  As production increases or decreases over time, so too might the operating expense.  Although as we shall soon see, we should strive to hold operating costs constant while increasing throughput.

It seems that accountants are more familiar with the term “period costs” or period expenses rather than operating expense (21).  This more clearly accommodates changes over time.  Thus another way to consider operating expense is that if an expense is incurred by unit of time – be that; hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or whatever – then it is an operating expense.  It isn’t considered to vary in any direct relationship with the number of units processed.

We can now see that considering all labor as an operating expense is consistent with this definition.  “Labor is normally purchased in units of time – by compensating people for hours per week or month, or, in the case of salaried employees, for a year (22).”

Let’s attach these new labels to the bar graph that we used in the previous section on the bottom line.

And let’s also summarize the definitions of these key concepts that we have been talking about in these last few paragraphs (16, 17).

Throughput = Sales - Totally Variable Costs

Net Profit = Throughput - Operating Expense

Using period expenses rather than operating expense may make matter clearer (21).

Net Profit = Sales - Totally Variable Costs - Period Expenses

Net profit is the bottom line measure that we use the most.  But we must also consider return on investment (16, 17).

We can also integrate these fundamental operating measures into our simple system.

We can see that sales, less totally variable costs, produces the throughput that enters the system.  Some of this will cover our operating expense, the remainder is operating profit.  There is also a flow of material or work through the system at the same time that will produce new sales in the (hopefully) near future, if not immediately.

There is a further useful measure, expressed as a ratio of these fundamental operating measures (16, 17), it is a measure of productivity;

Productivity is the most important of these definitions to my mind.  Why is it so important?  Because it decouples costs from revenue and thus drives profitability up (21).  In order for productivity to increase we must increase throughput while holding operating expense constant or with minimal increase.  Really the relationship looks more like this;

Let’s illustrate this with the case that we developed in the previous section on the bottom line.  In the example we had 40% operating expense, 30% totally variable costs and 30% profit.  A 20% increase in sales at constant operating expense yielded a 46% increase in profit.  In comparison if we were to allow operating expense to increase at the same rate – the normal situation – then of course the increase in profit would be only 20%.

Let’s draw both of these situations.

We are so use to operating expense increasing pro rata with revenue that we most often don’t even question it.  In fact we so often expect it to increase that we use it as a de facto driver for increasing revenue – we have to spend money to make money.  The productivity equation above expressly breaks this assumption, by demanding increased productivity.  The only way to achieve this is to decouple costs from revenue – to leverage the constraint.

We could also graph these two situations.

In this case it is much easier to see that we have in effect decoupled costs from revenue in the constant operating expense example.  In this constant operating cost example overall costs rise only slightly in accordance with increased raw material or totally variable cost consumption.  Both the profit and, by definition, productivity, are substantially greater than the case where the operating expense did increase.

The accent is on process profit, not individual product profit.  We should apply the productivity definition as a test not only at a tactical level (improvement) but also at a strategic level (investment).

We need to be careful when we define the fundamental measurements.  It is insufficient to add new and relevant measures.  We must also remove old and irrelevant measures.  Leaving old and irrelevant measures in place is a common and disastrous mistake.  We might think what harm could leaving our old and familiar measurements in place possible do?  The answer is that they can do a great deal of damage.

What About Not-For-Profit?

Well a not-for-profit, or expressed more positively a for-cause organization, doesn’t look much different.

The aim of a for-cause is to move towards its non-financial goal, whatever that may be, given its existing funding input.  However, we should repeat Newbold’s admonishment that such an organization must watch its operating expenditure against its fixed level of funding least it runs a deficit (15).  Actually, that kind of sounds like your average family – fixed income and ever-increasing demands to meet operating expenses.  It seems that families and charities have a lot in common.

Scheinkopf notes that at not-for-profit organizations “there is a tendency to believe that the measures are so intangible and that attainment of purpose is such a subjective call, that such measures are simply not discussed.  The focus ends up to be on measuring and managing the things we call ‘tangible,’ such as money (23).  We can easily see this in the New Zealand public health system where district health boards are charged with making an adequate return to the Government on its investment.  One way to meet that is to defer operations! 

In the section on marshalling and replenishment in supply chain two easy to implement and highly relevant non-financial measures are offered for healthcare.

Systemic / Global Optimum Approach

We saw earlier in this section that the cost bridge does not always lead to the best decisions being made.  You might have experience this directly if you used your experience to answer the first part of the P&Q problem.  We were left in the undesirable position of having to use cost + intuition if we wanted to link local actions to bottom line results.

Taking a more systemic approach we have defined 3 measures, throughput, inventory and operating expense and shown through a set of definitions that each of these measures has an effect on the bottom line measures that we have proposed.  If we look at the definitions above for a profit based organization we can see the following;

If throughput increases, then net profit, return on investment and cash flow will also increase.  If we decrease operating expense, then net profit, return on investment, and cash flow will increase.  If inventory decreases, then return on investment and cash flow to increase, while net profit decreases.  Goldratt and Fox summarized the situation in the following diagram (24).

Now we have replaced our cost + intuition bridge between local action and the bottom line measurements with a fundamental operating measurements bridge.  Now we can evaluate any local action in terms of its bottom line effect.  But the diagram is not perfect.  When we decrease inventory we increase return on investment, we increase cash flow, but we decrease net profit.  It looks very much like our bridge isn’t perfect after all.  We certainly aren’t in the business of decreasing net profit.

Accrual accounting tells us that as inventory increases net profit must also increase, and yet nowadays most people understand that increasing inventory in the long run is harmful.  We will examine the role of inventory as outlined by Goldratt and Fox in 1986 in the section on drum-buffer-rope.  It is sufficient for now to know that in fact decreasing inventory increases future throughput.  Thus we can reconcile our experience of the success of low inventory systems such as just-in-time and complete our bridge (24).

Now if we decrease inventory we know that future throughput will increase, and if future throughput increases then net profit will also increase.  Thus we are now confident that any local action can be evaluated in terms of throughput, inventory and operating expense, and that  its impact on the bottom line can be known in advance.

In fact maybe our thinking in drawing these diagrams is also subject to inertia.  We should remove the departmental boundaries that we have used to date.  Let’s see how it looks.

Think about it, we have avoided allocating costs to a particular area.  We seem to have a more systemic or global optimum approach.  The objective is to increase throughput as we have already demonstrated that this is the most profitable and open-ended way to increase the bottom line measures.

Hey!  This Is Just Contribution Margin Analysis

Well yes, an “extreme form of variable costing” and one in which “financial reports are consequently much simpler and easier to understand and can be compiled more quickly and frequently than conventional financial reports (25).”  Hmm; quick to compile, frequent, and easy to understand.  Sounds like a prescription for a real management decision support methodology.  Let’s discuss this more fully in the section on accounting for change.

But We Are Still Missing Something – Where Is The Constraint?

How did we get this far in discussing measurements without even mentioning constraints.  The cue was a paragraph or so ago.  If we want increase throughput we had better know where the constraint is in the system and how to maximize its capability.  Or to put it another way; we now know how to relate local actions to the bottom line, but we still need to know how to evaluate the local actions themselves.  “The key to know what to do locally is the realization of the role the system constraints are playing (26).”

In fact now would be a good time to return to the P&Q problem for the second part of the answer.  I strongly recommend that you have a look at this here before continuing on.

So long as system throughput exceeds operating expense then we know we are making a profit.  At the product level however it is essential to know at least the relative contribution of different products.  In order to do this we need to know where the constraint is.

We can modify our departmentalized system model to reflect this reality.  Let’s draw it with a constraint in the department near-the-end.

In the second part of the answer to the P&Q problem that you just looked at you derived a measure of throughput per unit time on the scarce resource, the constraint.  You didn’t allocate operating expense to any particular operation or driver.  Therefore please be aware;

Resist all temptation to allocate the total operating expense to the constraint operating time to derive an operating cost per unit time on the constraint.

Many people do this - I have done it, it seems so natural.  It is not, however, a part of Theory of Constraints.  Some software vendors sell this type of calculation as bottleneck accounting, it isn’t (27).  Purge it from you mind.  In fact, let’s replace our departmentalized view once again with a more systemic approach.  And for completion let’s add all of our flows in and out of this system.  This is an important model, we will refer to it again.

It is possible to evaluate decisions for the whole system relative to the constraint.  There are a number of good places that will show you how to do this (28-30).  However, your intuition is as good as anyone else’s.  Let’s prove that.  Let’s return to the third part of the P&Q answer and see what effect a small investment and improvement can make to a constraint and to throughput.  Have a look at the situation here.

Hey!  This Is Just Linear Programming

Yes, you are absolutely right.  In fact, if you approached an unknown process and you had sufficient data, and that data was accurate – then linear programming and Theory of Constraints would both arrive at the same results over the location of the constraint and the throughput that it could generate (31).

But tell me in all honesty – have you ever achieved a bottom line result that was anything like the objective target in the linear program?  Probably not, not without lots of padding in the assumptions.  Sure, the data probably wasn’t complete, the picture changed after the model was run, the numbers weren’t as accurate as you would have liked, but the real issue is that linear programming still does not furnish the logistical scheduling and control needed to obtain the calculated result.  Drum-buffer-rope does.

Put another way, linear programming yields the “what” – the result, without ever addressing the “how” – the process.  It addresses an ideal “end” without addressing the “means” from which it is derived.  The production solution for Theory of Constraints, drum-buffer-rope, gives you a real chance of realizing the objective function of a linear program.  It gives you an operational methodology that will allow you to attain the objective function.

If we look at linear programming carefully then it becomes apparent that it is, in fact, a detail complexity approach to a dynamic complexity problem.  Without the detail you can not solve the dynamics in this instance.  As Johnson and Kaplan explain, the whole of the operations research development, of which linear programming is a major part, is an outgrowth of scientific management from 50 years earlier (32).  Scientific management deals in detail complexity.

Perhaps a more fundamental point, however, is that linear programming is an optimization process within the bounds of existing constraints.  As we are going to learn soon, we want at the very least to challenge the assumptions about the existing constraints, not just to accept them as they are, and if at all possible to bust the existing constraint in favor of the next constraint.  That way we move the whole system forward to a new level of achievement.

However, the undeniable power of linear programming is as a tool in drum-buffer-rope analysis.  Once a constraint has been located and managed under drum-buffer-rope, linear programming allows you to evaluate complex product mix considerations with ease.  Even using rough and ready data will provide ready indications for multiple “what ifs?”  The point is that once you know what data is important and what data is not and you can tailor the model accordingly.

What Happens If My Constraint Is In The Market?

As we have drawn the diagrams and considered the situation so far, the constraint has been internal to the system.  What happens when the constraint moves out into the market?  Well, firstly, there will still be one “weakest link” in the internal system even when the constraint is in the market.  As we shall see in the section on the production application, drum-buffer-rope, the internal constraint becomes a control point synchronized with the market demand.  However, financial considerations may change.  Let’s examine this with the fourth and final part of the P&Q answer here.

Once the constraint is truly in the market place a number of new possibilities exist for the manufacturing process.  Rather than use drum-buffer-rope, a more recent development called simplified drum-buffer-rope can be used (33).  This is described briefly at the end of the section on drum-buffer-rope.  In addition the process may be able to switch to frequency based refill as described in the section on distribution.

Local Performance Measures

We have successfully derived the global operating measurements of throughput, inventory, and operating expense.  We now know how to leverage these through knowledge of the constraints to maximize our bottom line impact.  But how do we ensure local alignment within subsections of our system?  We can’t use throughput, inventory, and operating expense for parts of the system because they are whole system measures.  “Local performance measurements should not judge the end result, rather they should judge only the impact the local area being measured has on the end result.  Local performance measurements should judge the quality of the execution of a plan, and this judgment must be totally separate from judging the plan itself (34).”

Let’s use our own experience of public health waiting lists to examine the two key local performance measures.  What is the plan in this case?  Surely it is to provide a timely and appropriate outcome.  Well the appropriateness of the outcome will be on a case-by-case basis but we can investigate the timeliness of the matter.

One aspect of timeliness is how long we have to wait.  To answer this we need to know what the inventory is in a public health system.  How about the patients, they are certainly a major component – that is, after all, why the system exists.  Let’s say for instance that a certain outpatients’ clinic for referrals has 50 people on the waiting list at any one time and last year these people waited on average for 12 weeks, this year we still have 50 people on the waiting list at any one time but they now wait on average for 16 weeks.  If you are a politician you will say the waiting list is exactly the same.  However, we know that last year that there was on average 12 weeks by 5 days per week by 50 people = 3000 patient-days-waiting.  In comparison, this year there are 4000 patient-days-waiting on the list.  Is the performance better or worse?  It’s worse of course.  If we can stop patient-days-waiting from increasing, or better still reduce it, then we must have improved the system.   How would such a local performance measure look?  Let’s add it to our diagram.

Unit-days-waiting is one measure that we can use to evaluate a subsystem, or for that matter, a part of a subsystem.  The measure of unit days wait is additive, so the sum of the local measures is indeed the measure of the system as a whole.  It provides a snap shot in time of part or all of the system.  Over successive periods it tells us which way the system is trending.

What happens then in a for-profit situation?  Well, we can attach the raw material cost to each item of inventory in the system and multiply it by the days of waiting in a particular subsystem of the process to obtain total inventory-dollar-days waiting in that subsystem.  Businesses have all the components of this information already; it just needs a line of code to produce the result.

Another aspect of timeliness is that regardless of how long we must wait, do we still receive attention at the end of the wait or are we late.  Let’s continue with our analogy.  We have 50 patients on our waiting list and we assumed that last year our patients were expected to be seen by a specialist within a recommended guideline of 12 weeks of referral.  Some, however, weren’t seen within this time-frame.  Let’s say that 3 patients were seen after 13 weeks and 2 were seen after 14 weeks.  Again we might argue that just 1 in 10 patients were not seen within the recommended guidelines.  However, a more realistic measure is that 3 were 1 week late and 2 were 2 weeks late.  This gives us 1 week by 5 days per week by 3 patients plus 2 weeks by 5 days per week by 2 patients = 35 patient/late days.  Is this bad?  Of course it is, it should be zero.  Let’s add this measure to our diagram as well.

So unit-days-late is another measure that we can use to evaluate a subsystem with.  In the example the subsystems are delineated by control points, the critical places that we must manage in order to ensure that the system as a whole functions correctly, for instance the point just before any constraint and again the point just before shipping/completion.  However, anywhere there is a recognized hand-off we could instigate such a measure.  Unit-days-late is cumulative over a period.

In a for-profit situation we can attach the throughput value (sales price – totally variable costs) to each late product/procedure and multiply by the number of days late to obtain throughput-dollar-days late.  Again businesses have all the components of this information already; it just needs a line of code to produce the result.

In addition to subsystems within an existing business we could equally use either of these measures in individual businesses that are aligned with one another in a supply chain.  By using inventory waiting and lateness expressed as unit/days we obtain a measurement of system stability, we can quickly see where the system or a subsystem is becoming misaligned and therefore take corrective action.  Inventory-dollar-days waiting and throughput-dollar-days late are measures that can be used within all of the Theory of Constraints logistical solutions, and along with buffer management they are a vital part of the feedback and control mechanism.

We could have used these measures in departmental example at the beginning of this page – except that they weren’t treated a sub-systems; they were treated as a group of stand alone systems.  Would using these local performance measures have made that system easier to manage and more satisfying to work in?  I think so, but to do so requires explicit knowledge of the system, the goal, the fundamental measures, and the role of the constraints in order to be effective.

An Airline Analogy

Let’s use an airline as an analogy to make sure that we completely understand the ramifications of throughput per unit of scarce resource.  Let’s use for this example the current discounted prices for an around the world ticket originating from New Zealand.  The prices are; NZD 2,200 for economy class, NZD 7,100 for business class, and NZD 9,700 for first class.  These are our products.

What is the constraint?  Well for an airline it must be the seating space per flight as the ultimate constraint.  We can’t add an extra carriage like a train, neither can we shorten it.  Planes come in units of 1.  And usually quite big units of 1 at that.  In fact in this example we will use the main deck seating on a 747-400.

If we treat the flight as the constraint then how do we maximize our profit?  We could sell only first class tickets – and wait for a plane load of first class passengers – maybe once a month.  Clearly on price they are the most valuable.  Or because we could most easily get a load of economy class passengers we might just forget about the other two classes and become a no-frills airline.  However, at the moment, we assume a full-service airline, so let’s work with that reality.

Let’s work out the throughput.

In order to know the throughput we must subtract any variable costs.  Fuel is obviously a variable cost but probably commercially sensitive.  However, it is also uniform regardless of class so we can ignore it for the moment.  Let’s assume then that an economy class passenger consumes, in value, about $200 worth of food.  The business class passenger twice as much, and the first class passenger three times as much.  This allows us to calculate the throughput.





First Class




Business Class




Economy Class




So a first class passenger generates $9100 of throughput per seat, business class $6700 per seat, and economy just $2000 per seat.  First class passengers still look like the best deal.  However, let’s see how many seats per row we have.







First Class






Business Class






Economy Class






First class has 4 seats per row, yielding $36,400 per row.  Business class has 7 seats per row, yielding $46,900 per row.  Economy has 10 seats per row, yielding 20,000 per row.

Hmm, suddenly the business class passenger is looking like a decidedly better deal.  Economy class certainly doesn’t generate as much as first class.  However to be more accurate yet, we really need to know how many rows of each different class we can get in.  As you know, the knee room in economy isn’t always generous; you can get more rows of economy in than either of the other two classes.  Let’s look at the seat pitch then.









First Class








Business Class








Economy Class








In fact what we have done is converted throughput per row to throughput per row inch.  Of course you can’t replace just an inch, but it does give us a good idea on the relative earning power of each type of product (sorry – customer).  Now, the surprise is that a business class passenger is worth almost twice as much as a first class passenger and 60% more than an economy class passenger.  And a first class passenger is worth less than an economy class passenger; even though they paid 4 times as much for the ticket!

This example holds when airline capacity is the constraint – when the constraint is internal to the system.  When the constraint becomes external – when it moves to the market then a different set of logic applies.  We will examine this in more detail on the accounting for change page.

Of course airlines are masters at load maximization within these classes, opening and closing discounted fares according to complicated algorithms based upon demand and date of departure.  However, look at the original ticket prices.  If you were are sales person from outside of the airline industry, then based upon ticket price, which type of seat would you rather sell?  Which type of seat would your prefer that your marketing people supported?  Now based upon revenue per row inch which type of seat is better for the airline?  Which type of seat should the marketing people support?

Well we were just playing with numbers.  We should hope there is sufficient throughput to pay for all the operating expenses (including the fuel).  However, this example does help to illustrate the absolute need to determine the constraint.  Because we can only make relevant business decisions after we know where the constraint is.  In fact it doesn’t matter what we do; whether it is machining one-off endmills for cutting the inside casing of a steam turbine, or converting a saw log into timber, the principle is exactly the same.

Did We Still Miss Something?

Did you feel at all uneasy at the prospect of the suggested 10% across-the-board reduction in operating expense in the previous section on the bottom line?  Sure it looked good; it should have resulted in a 13% increase in profit.  But would we have really achieved that?

Was that unease your intuition telling you that across-the-board cuts not only cut the fat, they also cut production?  Let’s have a look at this.  And let’s assume that our 10% cut does in fact reduce our output by 10% as well because it reduces the productivity of our scarce resource – our constraint – in direct proportion.  Of course it could be worse, it could be better.

The result now is not a 13% increase in profit, but a 10% decrease in profit.  Let’s check what happened.  Productivity decreased to 90%.  Operating expenses reduced from 40% to 36% as per our 10% reduction.  Raw material must also have decreased due to less demand, which is 10% of 30% or 3%.  So let’s do the sum;

90% total – 36% operating expense – 27% raw material = 27% profit.

(27% new profit - 30% old profit) / 30% old profit = 10% decrease

Well maybe this is a more rigorous way of saying that if we decrease operating expense by 10% and we cause output to decrease by 10%, then we must decrease raw material by 10% and profit also.

There remains another question, if you do cut operating expense by 10% and the market picks up, are we going to be on the ball, or behind the game?

Does this sort of thing really happen?  I think you can answer that question yourself.


We investigated the reductionist/local optima approach to serial systems and its use of costs to guide local actions in line with the bottom line objectives.  We found that these decisions sometimes lead to the wrong actions being undertaken and moving away rather than towards the bottom line objectives.

We then developed a sequenced that allows us to adopt a more systemic/global optimum approach.  We can summarized this as;

(1)  Define the system.

(2)  Define the goal of the system.

(3)  Define the necessary conditions.

(4)  Define the fundamental measurements.

(5)  Define the role of the constraint(s).

We might call these our rules of engagement.

Using the same example we found that using this sequence and our own intuition we were able to tie local decisions to the bottom line objectives of the system.  We still need to examine the focusing process for improvement, but first let’s examine the role of people in these systems.


(1) Goldratt, E. M., (1990) The haystack syndrome: sifting information out of the data ocean.  North River Press, pg 26.

(2) Kanigel, R., (1997) The one best way: Frederick Winslow Taylor and the enigma of efficiency.  Viking, pp 490-499.

(3) Johnson, H. T., and Kaplan, R. S. (1987) Relevance lost: the rise and fall of management accounting.  Harvard Business School Press, pp 47-59.

(4) Goldratt, E. M., and Fox, R. E., (1986) The Race.  North River Press, pp 20-31.

(5) Goldratt, E. M., (1990) The haystack syndrome: sifting information out of the data ocean.  North River Press, pp. 64-78 & 86-99.

(6) Smith, D., (2000) The measurement nightmare: how the theory of constraints can resolve conflicting strategies, policies, and measures.  St Lucie Press/APICS series on constraint management, pp 1-20.

(7) Schragenheim, E., and Dettmer, H. W., (2000) Manufacturing at warp speed: optimizing supply chain financial performance.  The St. Lucie Press, pg 235.

(8) Wheatley, M. J., and Kellner-Rogers, M., (1996) A simpler way.  Berrett-Koehler Publishers, pg 23.

(9) Senge, P. M., (1990) The fifth discipline: the art & practice of the learning organization.  Random House, pg 66.

(10) Scheinkopf, L., (1999) Thinking for a change: putting the TOC thinking processes to use. St Lucie Press/APICS series on constraint management, pp 23-24. 

Also see; Mabin, V. J., and Balderstone S. J., (2000) The world of the Theory of Constraints: a review of the international literature.  St. Lucie Press, pg 7.

(11) Wheatley, M. J., and Kellner-Rogers, M., (1999) What Do We Measure and Why? Questions About The Uses of Measurement.  Journal for Strategic Performance Measurement, June.

(12) Goldratt, E. M., (1990) The haystack syndrome: sifting information out of the data ocean.  North River Press, pp 11-13, 49.

(13) Goldratt, E. M., (1994) It’s not luck.  The North River Press, Chapter 30.

(14) Reichheld, F. F., (1996) The loyalty effect: the hidden force behind growth, profits, and lasting value.  Harvard Business School Press, 322 pp.

(15) Newbold, R. C., (1998) Project management in the fast lane: applying the Theory of Constraints.  St. Lucie Press, pg 228.

(16) Goldratt, E. M., (1990) The haystack syndrome: sifting information out of the data ocean.  North River Press, pp 10, 14, 19, 23, 29, 31-35.

(17) Noreen, E., Smith, D., and Mackey, T., (1995) The Theory of Constraints and its implications for management accounting.  North River Press, pp 12, 13, 80.

(18) Corbett, T., (1998) Throughput Accounting: TOC’s management accounting system.  North River Press pg 43.

(19) Schragenheim, E., and Dettmer, H. W., (2000) Manufacturing at warp speed: optimizing supply chain financial performance.  The St. Lucie Press, pp 228-229.

(20) Schragenheim, E., (1999) Management dilemmas: the Theory of Constraints approach to problem identification and solutions.  St. Lucie Press, pg 128.

(21) Caspari, J. A., and Caspari, P., (2004) Management Dynamics: merging constraints accounting to drive improvement.  John Wiley & Sons Inc., pp 3-4 & 36.

(22) Schragenheim, E., and Dettmer, H. W., (2000) Manufacturing at warp speed: optimizing supply chain financial performance.  The St. Lucie Press, pg 42.

(23) Scheinkopf, L., (1999) Thinking for a change: putting the TOC thinking processes to use. St Lucie Press/APICS series on constraint management, pg 25.

(24) Goldratt, E. M., and Fox, R. E., (1986) The Race.  North River Press, pp 31-67.

(25) Noreen, E., Smith, D., and Mackey, T., (1995) The Theory of Constraints and its implications for management accounting.  North River Press, pp xxviii.

(26) Goldratt, E. M., In: Cox, J. F, and Spencer, M. S., (1998) The constraints management handbook.  St Lucie Press, pg x.

(27) Caspari, J. A., and Caspari, P., (2004) Management Dynamics: merging constraints accounting to drive improvement.  John Wiley & Sons Inc., pg 24.

(28) Dettmer, H. W., (1998) Breaking the constraints to world class performance.  ASQC Quality Press, pg 37.

(29) Schragenheim, E., and Dettmer, H. W., (2000) Manufacturing at warp speed: optimizing supply chain financial performance.  The St. Lucie Press, pp 225-244.

(30) Corbett, T., (1998) Throughput Accounting: TOC’s management accounting system.  North River Press, pp 41-80 & 119-137.

(31) Mabin, V. J., and Gibson, J., (1998) Synergies from spreadsheet LP used with the Theory of Constraints: a case study.  Journal of the operational research society, 49 pp 918-927.

(32) Johnson, H. T., and Kaplan, R. S., (1987) Relevance lost: the rise and fall of management accounting.  Harvard Business School Press, pp 169-172.

(33) Schragenheim, E., and Dettmer, H. W., (2000) Manufacturing at warp speed: optimizing supply chain financial performance.  The St. Lucie Press, 342 pp.

(34) Goldratt, E. M., (1990) The haystack syndrome: sifting information out of the data ocean.  North River Press, pp 144-155.

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