A Guide to Implementing the Theory of Constraints (TOC)





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Bottom Line


Supply Chain

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Process of Change

Agreement to Change

Evaluating Change

Leadership & Learning



The Process Of Change

We have seen over the last few sections that we seem to be caught between a rock and a hard place.  We do have the intuition to know that local optimization doesn’t work well for the overall system good.  And although this looks as though it is the result of both our own psychology and the fact that large scale serial process operations are very recent human inventions; it is also apparent that we do know how to develop a system-wide perspective even within these systems.  We know this because the people at the top (and some others too) can see the overall system – and we know that these people are no different from you or me.  We also know that, currently, these people are being served by a “legacy” system; a system of local cost accounting and local efficiency.

What we need is a process by which to facilitate the change.  A process of get us from where we are now to where we want to be in the near future.  Senge described the “where we are now” as the current reality, and the “where we want to be in the future” as the vision (1).  He noted that if there was no gap between the current reality and the vision, then there would be no need to move toward the vision.  The gap between the two becomes a source of creative energy which he termed “creative tension.”

Well there is no shortage of creative tension I am sure.  But that doesn’t actually help to move forward.  In fact Senge notes that “creative tension often leads to feelings or emotions associated with anxiety, such as sadness, discouragement, hopelessness, or worry.”  Senge described this as “emotional tension.”  The key point is not to confuse creative tension with emotional tension, otherwise we predispose ourselves to lowering our vision (1).  We need a process of change to ensure that we move from where we are now to where we want to be in the near future.

Goldratt briefly outlined a process of change in 1990 (2).  He characterized it as follows;

(1)  What to change.

(2)  What to change to.

(3)  How to cause the change.

The first two questions Goldratt considered to be technical and the last one to be psychological.  Why is it that how to cause the change is considered to be psychological?  Well it almost seems like a mantra, it goes like this (2);

§  Any improvement is a change.

§  Any change is a perceived threat to security.

§  Any threat on security gives rise to emotional resistance.

§  Emotional resistance can only be overcome by a stronger emotion.

Note that not all change is necessarily an improvement; this might help explain the reason for our healthy skepticism towards the changes that actually do lead to improvements.

The critical supposition is that the emotional resistance that improvements induce can not be overcome by logic; it can only be overcome by the stronger emotion, the emotion of allowing the people involved to deduce the solution for themselves.  But let’s not go there just yet, that is really the subject of the next page – the agreement to change.  Let’s confine ourselves here to the first two steps; (a) what to change and (b) what to change to.

In a way we have already intuitively done all of the first step and part of the second step.  We did this when we formulated our rules of engagement.  Let’s repeat the rules here;

(1)  Define the system.

(2)  Define the goal of the system.

(3)  Define the necessary conditions.

(4)  Define the fundamental measurements.

(5)  Define the role of the constraint(s).

By working through these steps we have partitioned our problem into what exists now – our current reality, and what doesn’t exist now but we envision for the near future – our future reality.  What we are missing then from our discussion so far is a method that allows us to address the 5th step; defining the role of the constraints.  We still need to develop a method to focus on the constraints of the system.  So let’s do that right now.  Why do we want to focus on the constraints?  Because these are the most fundamental leverage points to move from our current reality to our future reality.  The constraints are the most fundamental points to enable our process of change.  To extend the military metaphor slightly, to go with our rules of engagement we need a plan of attack.

Developing A Focus – Our Plan Of Attack

Goldratt furnished a focusing process in the earliest versions of The Goal, however, it was implicit.  In later editions it was made explicit as the five focusing steps.  In The Race published in 1986, we can see the one of the logistical applications – drum-buffer-rope – essentially fully developed, and another – project management – at an incipient stage; and yet there is no mention of the five focusing steps.  In addition to the explicit inclusion in later editions of The Goal, the five focusing steps were also presented in two other sources dating from 1990 (2, 3).

The five focusing steps, exactly as in the original verbalization, are as follows (2);

(1)  Identify the system’s constraints.

(2)  Decide how to Exploit the system’s constraints.

(3)  Subordinate everything else to the above decision.

(4)  Elevate the system’s constraints.

(5)  If in the previous steps a constraint has been broken, Go back to step 1, but do not allow inertia to cause a system constraint.

With the verbalization of this process we now have an iterative means of addressing the fundamental points that will allow us to move from where we are now, to where we want to be in the future.  Even though our rules of engagement may remain essentially static – the ultimate anchor point in our reality; the five focusing steps allow us to “loop” and adapt as the constraints in our environment change in response to our own actions, and in response to the actions of others that are imposed from outside of the system.  The five focusing steps are without doubt the singular most important aspect of the Theory of Constraints.

How Many Weakest Links In A Chain?

A common analogy for the focusing process is the strength of a chain.  Everyone knows that a chain is only is strong as its weakest link.  The weakest link is the limitation upon the strength of the whole chain (and while a number of people have argued passionately to me that there is more than one weakest link in a chain, I remain unconvinced).  The chain will always break at the weakest link, and if we were to rejoin the chain, it will next break at the next weakest link – and so on.

Notice, however, that the 5 focusing steps are worded for a system and not for a single chain as used in the analogy.  This is a not-so-subtle aspect that seems to be often missed in moving out from the chain analogy to a whole system perspective.  We need to look at this in a little more detail.

Notice also that in the verbalization above, “constraints” is plural, not singular.  It is saying that from a system perspective, in any one system, we should expect more than one constraint.  Initially this too appears to be in direct contradiction with out simple chain analogy.  In fact, I will suggest that it has been further complicated by a subsequent change in the verbalization.

Goldratt subsequently “put the S in the word constraints in parentheses, because there might be a system that had only one constraint (3).”  The new verbalization is thus;

(1)  Identify the system’s constraint(s).

(2)  Decide how to Exploit the system’s constraint(s).

(3)  Subordinate everything else to the above decision.

(4)  Elevate the system’s constraint(s).

(5)  If, in the previous steps, a constraint has been broken, Go back to step 1, but do not allow inertia to cause a system’s constraint.

Is the difference in wording important?  I think so.  Maybe by putting the “s” in a bracket Goldratt was in fact trying to draw attention to the non-singularity of constraints in a system by suggesting that such an occurrence would be exceptional (and as yet undiscovered).  However, it may also have inadvertently reinforced the chain analogy with a singular constraint.  In any case, let’s adopt the earlier verbalization, the one that was first presented above, the one where plural constraints are explicit.  Except we need to make one change; subordination decisions must also be plural, as others have also clearly indicated (4).  Thus we have;

(1)  Identify the system’s constraints.

(2)  Decide how to Exploit the system’s constraints.

(3)  Subordinate everything else to the above decisions.

(4)  Elevate the system’s constraints.

(5)  If in the previous steps a constraint has been broken, Go back to step 1, but do not allow inertia to cause a system constraint.

The rationale for this plurality comes from Goldratt’s own comments which we saw earlier in the page on the bottom line.

"We very rarely find a company with a real market constraint, but rather, with devastating marketing policy constraints.  We very rarely find a true bottleneck on the shop floor, we usually find production policy constraints.  We almost never find a vendor constraint, but we do find purchasing policy constraints.  And in all cases the policies were very logical at the time they were instituted.  Their original reasons have since long gone, but the old policies still remain with us (5)."

Although the word “policy constraint” has been more recently disowned, maybe “policy issue” is more apt; there are still many more than one constraint per system.  We know, however, that there can only be one weakest link in a chain, so if there is more than one weakest link in a system we are in effect asking how many chains there are in a system.  Let’s examine this.

How Many Weakest Links In A System?

In order to answer this question.  Let’s take our simple systemic model as an example.  And let’s draw it with a physical constraint as we did on the measurements page, and let’s add two products to our process.

Here we have; one system, one process, two products, and one constraint.

Let’s make this a little more explicit.  Let’s put a boundary around our system and label the constraint.

Both product A and product B share the same set of physical resources or the same process layout, however we could consider that we have in effect a chain for process A and that we have a chain for process B, and that both of these chains share a common weakest link.

Let’s now add a third product – product C.  Product C does not go through the process constraint – after all, to do so would mean reducing the capacity to produce products A & B.  Therefore, the demand for product C must be limited so as to not cause a capacity constraint on any of the other common resources that it shares with products A or B.  If the demand is limited then product C must be market constrained.

Let’s draw this.

So we now have; one system, one process, three products, and two constraints.  Another way of looking at this is that we now have 3 chains in our system and 2 constraints.

Let’s step this argument out one more level – an important level conceptually.  What if we have two processes in our system?

Let’s have a look.

Now we have, one system, two processes, six products, and four constraints.  Or to put it another way; we now have 6 chains in our system and 4 constraints.

In industry, having two discrete processes is not so uncommon.  Consider for example a drill bit manufacturer making the same range of products in both high-speed steel and also in tungsten carbide.  There will be two similar but quite separate lines – maybe even totally separate personnel.

Too often we tend to think that the five focusing steps – our plan of attack – applies to an individual chain, and in a very simple system it might, but most often it applies to a system of chains.  Moreover, even if the physical constraints are limited, the policy constraints that underlie them will be numerous.  We need the plural “s” in constraints.

One last point.  All of the constraints in our diagrams above exist simultaneously in time.  And if we overcome each of these constraints then the next set of weakest links will present themselves – also simultaneously in time.  The plural “s” in constraints doesn’t apply to this series of sequentially uncovered constraints in one chain; it applies to the co-existing constraints in several chains.

Let’s now look at each of these five steps in detail and then we will examine some of the broader ramifications.  In the process we will also draw some distinctions between logistical constraints (physical constraints) and non-logistical constraints (policy constraints) and how we approach them.


Identify seems straight forward, especially if it is a physical constraint in a logistical solution – a true bottleneck.  If you ask people who don’t have direct responsibility for the constraint but who do have responsibility for making sure that orders or work are delivered on time, they will have a fair idea of where the constraint is.  The planners will have a fair idea also of where the constraint is.  If the situation is in sales or marketing or some other non-logistical area, then the constraint will be a policy and the best way to identify it is by using the Thinking Process to derive a core problem or a core conflict.

In the previous section we noted the cynics response that “bottlenecks are at the top” in reference to the leadership.  We decided this was unfair and indeed totally untrue.  Let’s invert the analogy.  Instead of a bottle, let’s use a funnel analogy (6).  We are looking for a choke point, the neck, the narrowest point in the funnel through which everything must flow.


Exploit means that once a constraint has been identified, all efforts must be made to properly utilize the capacity of the constraint – to make the very best of the existing situation using the resources that are at hand.  If our constraint was a funnel for instance, we would make sure that there are no blockages lodged in the narrowest point.  We would also make sure that the material flows smoothly and continuously through the constraint.  In fact, a funnel does this automatically to some extent by having a reserve in the mouth above the neck – if you like a sort of buffer to ensure constant supply to the neck.  For a physical constraint however, writing a plan or a schedule for best utilizing the available capacity is a good way to exploit the existing capacity.  A plan is really just a set of instructions that provides for a timely and appropriate output.

Taiichi Ohno had a very effective way of describing how to exploit the existing capacity of a work center (7);

Present Capacity = Work + Waste

Stated in this way, exploitation of a constraint can also be seen as eliminating waste and this is central to the way just-in-time exploits capacity everywhere.  The particular wastes that apply in instance of a constraint are; the waste of waiting, the waste of over-processing, the waste of over-production, and waste of making defective products.  As the waste component is reduced at the constraints the work component can and should be increased.  We should also make sure that there are not existing policy constraints or just plain old bad habits that unreasonably limit the available working time either.  Removing these will increase the work component even further.

How do we over-produce on a constraint?  Easy, instead of making just what is required for the “foreseeable” future, we make a bit more because it is more efficient.  A knowledge of the earning capacity of different products as described in the measurements section is also a good way to ensure full exploitation of an internal constraint.

Non-logistical implementations may not have physical constraints but they will have policy constraints.  It is unlikely that we will try to exploit or subordinate to these because the simplest way to overcome an erroneous policy is to replace it.  It doesn’t cost money, it just takes thought, so most people will go from identify to elevate automatically.  However there could be a situation where a policy is externally imposed – Government for instance, in which case we probably won’t be able to change it any time soon and we may indeed have to make the best of the existing situation that we can – exploit the externally imposed policy.

Focusing on the constraints will provide unbelievable leverage.  This leverage occurs because for once we know exactly where to look and exactly what to concentrate on.  We have a very limited number of places where concentrating on the detail complexity gives us a unique handle on the dynamic complexity of the whole system.


If “exploit” is the instruction for the constraint, then “subordinate” is the instruction for all of the non-constraints – everything else, both physical and policy.  Proper subordination is the key to effective implementation of Theory of Constraints.  Proper subordination means that the non-constraints only do what is required to ensure maximum exploitation of the constraint.  We need to ensure that the parts are subordinated to the whole, or more correctly in larger-scale enterprises, that the subsystems are subordinated to the system.

Once an exploitation plan has been decided upon, then, take care to remember that there are two ways that we can deviate from this plan (8).  Deviating from the plan absolutely means improper subordination and consequently less than fully effective exploitation.

Deviation from the plan here results from;

(1)  Not doing what was supposed to be done.

(2)  Doing what was not supposed to be done.

Often the most important part of subordination isn’t just ensuring that we do what is supposed to be done; it is ensuring that we don’t do what is not supposed to be done.  We could think of this as active restraint.  Making sure that we don’t find work for non-constraints just to keep them busy is a particularly important example of active restraint.  It avoids another of Ohno’s wastes; the waste of stock-on-hand.

To use our funnel analogy, this means pouring material into the funnel at the same rate as it flows out, leaving just enough in the mouth of the funnel to ensure the neck is always at full capacity.  Pouring the material in faster will fill up the mouth of the funnel to overflowing, but won’t cause any more material to flow through the neck.  We all know this from personal experience; we all blame the stupid funnel, when actually it is always the stupid pourer!

To put this in another way, pouring the material in faster than the rate of the constraint is a waste.  It is the localized waste of over-production.  We could look at non-constraint capacity then as follows;

Present Capacity = Work + Localized Waste of Over-production + Other Wastes

The point in stressing the localized waste of over-production is not because it produces excessive inventory and longer lead times, but rather because it destroys sprint capacity.  Sprint capacity on non-constraints is an integral part of buffer management.  Buffer management in turn is an integral part of ensuring the timeliness of our plan.  We will return to these concepts again in our logistical examples.

Subordinating the local and system measurements to the constraint and the goal of the system is also a key and under appreciated facet of Theory of Constraints.  If we provide the wrong feedback then we can’t be surprised if we get the wrong behavior.  This means not only ensuring that we do measure and communicate the effectiveness of the constraint, buffer management, and shipping, but also that we don’t measure local efficiencies or utilization of the non-constraints.

The local performance measures of inventory-dollar-days waiting and throughput-dollar-day late are important parts of ensuring the correct subordination of subsystems to the goal of the whole system.

We will return to subordination issues in more detail shortly.


Elevation is the stage at which we bring in additional resources in a logistical solution and raise the capacity of the constraint in some way.  This action will require some operating expense and/or investment.  The intention is to leverage off the constraint so that a small elevation results in a substantial increase in output.  In a for-profit organization we are trying to decouple net profit from operating expense.  If in our funnel analogy we could bore out the neck of our funnel, without having to buy a whole new funnel for instance, we could elevate the constraint.  If we bought a second funnel we would also elevate the constraint.

In the non-logistical solutions elevation means a new break-through idea that enables us to do things that were previously not possible.  Generally speaking this is not capital intensive, however as Newbold notes; if the leverage point is a policy, political capital may be needed to be invested (9).”

Go Back – Inertia

The last step is important.  The first part; “If in the previous steps a constraint has been broken, go back to step 1,” is straightforward enough, it introduces a looping structure.  It reminds us that if we break a constraint then clearly we will have another newer one to hunt out and deal with in the same manner.  However, the meaning of the second part; “but do not allow inertia to cause a system constraint,” is less clear.  In this case the meaning is that when we do break a constraint we should be careful not to let our satisfaction with the new level of performance stop us from seeking out even higher levels of performance.

Colloquially, inertia is often interpreted to mean that it is difficult to start moving something from rest, but it also has a meaning that once something has started moving at a constant rate it is difficult to change it to a new direction or to a new rate of movement.  It is this second part of the meaning that is important in this context.

The best description of inertia comes from Mark Woeppel (10).  “How about a 43% annual ROI? Could you sit there awhile?  I know a company that did.  How about taking your order fulfillment cycle from 3 weeks to 3 hours and stalling there.  I know another company that did that.”  These are rather fine examples of inertia.  The message is; once you break a constraint, go and look for the next one; don’t accept the new current and higher level of performance as satisfactory.  There is something else blocking you from going even higher.  Go back and look for it.  Don’t let the satisfaction of the current improvement constrain us from seeking even more improvement.

I read the 5th step not only as an instruction to go back and identify the next constraint – physical or policy, but also as an admonishment to Don’t Stop.  This is a process of on-going improvement – POOGI – it’s a journey not a destination.

The Hourglass Analogy

There are several analogies that are used to illustrate the focusing process.  We used funnels above, let’s use an hourglass (or a minute timer – depending upon your experience) to summarize what we have learnt.

Step 1: Identify.

Step 2: Exploit.

Step 2: Exploitation continued…

Step 3: Subordinate.

Step 4: Elevate.

Step 5: Don’t stop.  Don’t let inertia become a constraint to the system.

Hopefully this analogy, simple as it is, will help us to remember what we are about in our focusing process; taking a system, identifying the constraint to increasing the output and then maximizing output within the context of the constraint and/or overcoming the constraint completely – but not stopping there because there will always be room for further improvement.

Systemic And Systematic

In the measurements section we learnt to define; the system, its goal, the necessary conditions, the fundamental operating measurements, and the role of the constraints.  This, it might be assumed, is what makes Theory of Constraints systemic.  All of these factors are necessary but, of themselves, not sufficient to make the approach systemic.  If we recall Goldratt’s definition from the introduction; a system approach is a warning against “concentrating on a local optima (in place or time) and, by that, jeopardizing the performance of the system as a whole (11).”  Thus it is subordination that makes Theory of Constraints truly systemic.  It is subordination that stops us from concentration of local optima.

In addition to being systemic, Theory of Constraints is also of course systematic.  The steps that we saw in the introduction of defining the system, the goal and so forth, plus the process of change introduced in this section and the 5 focusing steps are the entities that make Theory of Constraints systematic as well.

Indeed the 5 focusing steps are the heart of Theory of Constraints.  You might wonder how such a simple method can be applied to manufacturing or supply chain or projects or marketing or strategy – but it can and it is.  When you find an implementation drifting astray you can guarantee that somewhere, someone, has lost sight of the 5 focusing steps.  It is this simple 5 step focusing process that allows us to move from local optimization everywhere to global optimization of the system – because now we know exactly what to look for and exactly what to do when we find it.

Our Erroneous Assumption – Failure To Subordinate

In the previous section on people we were left hanging over the cause of the conflict between transfer points.  We agreed that;

Conflict arises not because people are failing to do their best, but because everyone is doing their best.

There certainly seemed no way out of this dilemma, at least not under the reductionist/local optima approach of efficiency everywhere.  However, now that we have seen the 5 focusing steps we are in a much better position to understand that the definition of what is best is actually different for different parts of the system under a systemic/global optimum approach.  Our erroneous assumption, the assumption that gave rise to the conflict, was that we must have maximal utilization everywhere.  Of course we can not have maximal utilization everywhere but we didn’t know that, or at least we weren’t allowed to acknowledge it.

We now appreciate that what is best actually depends upon whether the area is a constraint or a non-constraint.  Constraints should be utilized as effectively and as efficiently as the market demands.  Non-constraints should be utilized as effectively and as efficiently only as much as the constraint demands.  As non-constraints by definition and fact have more capacity than constraints they will not be utilized as much as the constraints are.  And if the physical constraints are very few in number, then in relative terms the non-constraints must be very many in number.  Thus most resources are going to have significantly less productive time.

The previous conflict was due to the erroneous assumption that doing our best, is the same as maximal efficiency everywhere.  In fact, we could never achieve that because of dependency and variability – but that wasn’t the cause of the conflict.  The cause of the conflict was the assumption that WE MUST be efficient everywhere in order for the whole system to be efficient.

Now we know that for the system as a whole to be efficient, we must be efficient in a few critical places and less efficient everywhere else.  What do you think will happen to conflict between spans of control is we add this to our understanding?  It will be substantially reduced.  It will never be totally removed because there will always by detail complexity issues between spans of control, but now we have true goal congruence.  Everybody knows what to do in order to do OUR BEST for the system.

Doing Our Best – Exploitation & Subordination

There is only one place, the constraint, that can truly operate at full utilization all of the time.  All other areas must operate at less than their full utilization for most of the time.  The only time non-constraints can operate at full utilization is when there has been an interruption and there is “catching-up” to be done.  At this time non-constraints dip into their sprint capacity.  At all other times non-constraints must practice active restraint.

Maybe active restraint explains better what non-constraints must do, but now we are left with different definitions of doing our best depending upon whether we are talking about a constraint or a non-constraint.  Stein, however, offers an all-embracing definition of doing our best (12);

Resources are to be utilized in the creation or protection of throughput, and not merely activated.

Now we need only to ask whether a resource is a constraint or a non-constraint.  It is both the constraint and non-constraints that are involved in the creation of throughput, but it is only the non-constraints that are involved in the protection of throughput.  This is the definition of doing our best according to the goal of the system.

Let’s apply this idea to our diagram of a simple system – and now that we know of the 5 focusing steps let’s also include a constraint as we did in the section on measurements.

When the non-constraints are not utilized in the creation of throughput they are utilized in the protection of throughput (in fact, conserving their sprint capacity).  The constraint however is always utilized in the creation of throughput.  “What makes a constraint more critical to the organization is its relative weakness.  What distinguishes a non‑constraint is its relative strength, which enables it to be more flexible (13).”  We must protect that flexibility in order to protect throughput.

What about the situation where the constraint is external to the system?  Let’s have a look at that also.

Now, all areas within the system are non-constraints and either utilized in the creation of throughput or they are utilized in the protection of throughput.  There is no capacity constraint within the system; everything within the system is subordinated to the external constraint.

There is another way we can look at Stein’s description of resource utilization – especially resource utilization of subordinated non-constraints, and this is by way of a traffic light analogy.

When a non-constraint is working it is creating throughput, when a non-constraint is not working it is creating protection for throughput.

We can consider this as stop and go, or on and off, or creation and protection.  However, there is another common but more insidious situation, a half way position, a go slow position, let’s look at that.

When we slow down we do two things.  We often fail to fully create throughput and we often fail to fully protect throughput.  It is a double edged sword.  Basically we destroy throughput.   We destroy throughput on two different fronts at the same time.  We need to gain a much better appreciation of this.

When the goal is adequately articulated; and the role of the constraints, the non-constraints, and the policy and measurement systems are aligned with the goal, then people will subordinate.  It’s not against human nature to do so.  The non-constraints will find some startlingly productive things to do.  System productivity won’t go down, it will go up – you’ll see.

Application To Logistical Problems

There are 3 generic logistical solutions, they are; manufacturing/processing, supply chain, and project management.  They are generic in the sense that the same basic approach to each class of problems will yield a workable solution to all cases in that class.  In each class the objective is to move the system towards the goal of the system – most usually increased monetary throughput or physical output.  This is done through an understanding of the system’s constraint and knowledge of the system dependencies and variation.

In the introduction we discussed batching in terms of quantity of goods or quantity of time.  When can also use this same criterion – quantity of goods or time – to differentiate the logistical solutions into those that aim to increase physical output (and hence monetary throughput) or increase available time (and hence monetary throughput).  Thus manufacturing and supply chain aim to increase physical output (goods sold) by identifying, exploiting, and subordinating to a process constraint.  Project management aims to increase available time (shorten project durations) by identifying, exploiting, and subordinating to a duration constraint – the critical path.

Moreover, within manufacturing and supply chain, manufacturing most often exploits the constraint by addressing (and often reducing) batching of goods.  Supply chain most often exploits the constraint by addressing (and often reducing) batching of time.

The graphical trees of the thinking process are used to customize the solution to the specific circumstance and communicate and obtain agreement.

Application To Non-logistical Problems

In the non-logistical solutions; marketing, sales, strategy, and similar problems, there are no generic solutions.  There are certainly very consistent approaches to these problems, but the solutions are always situation specific, or as the Japanese would say; “case by case.”

The graphical trees of the thinking process are used here to; first analyze the situation, then develop and customize a situation specific solution and communicate and obtain agreement.

Tools For Change

Senge talks about micro worlds and transition objects, we know these better as games and simulators (14).  Such things are very important parts of the process of change.  Aircraft, especially commercial aircraft, are very expensive and therefore training (and continuous retraining) is carried out on simulators – a less expensive “version” of the aircraft secured to a concrete floor.  Before a commercial pilot ever sets foot inside a large aircraft we would expect full command of a simulator in which the pilot has been exposed to all the known contingencies that might possibly be met in the course of service.

Companies, especially commercial companies, are also very expensive and therefore training (and continuous retraining) is carried out on ……  Well, actually its not done on simulators is it?  It’s done in real time, real life, seat-of-your-pants, and as for retraining, let’s not go there.  There is of course nothing wrong with experience – if you can get it.  But how do you gain experience for all those small problems that end in a system crash (insolvency) without actually going there?

Fortunately the system, a business, is a lot slower and a little more forgiving than an aircraft.  Access to the collective history of other business failure and success is available via the print media and personal mentoring by others who have “been there, done that.”  But even with access to that experience we can’t always internalize the experience for ourselves (short of real time, real company) without running some sort of pilot.  This is because we are dealing with dynamic complexity – cause and effect removed in time and space from the decision process.  A business simulator gives us an opportunity to run a pilot on a personal computer and experience first-hand the effects of our decisions.

Within Theory of Constraints there are a number of excellent simulators designed to allow us to build these experiences with safety.  Indeed the P & Q analysis is nothing more than a very unsophisticated (but elegant and effective) pen and paper simulator.  With more sophisticated simulators you can indeed run a process into the red and turn the computer off at the end of the day – equally, and in fact much more likely, is that as a consequence you will learn to run a system superbly – even in the presence of multiple dependency and variation.  The production self-learning kit (see resources) is still the best around for manufacturing/process learning.  There are also simulators available for project management and distribution.  Two more generalized simulators are available for drum-buffer-rope (15) and enterprise resource planning (16).  These are important learning tools and part of the reason for rapid and substantially success in implementing a Theory of Constraints’ based solutions in a business.

A Cautionary Tale!

We began our discussion of the bottom line with a suggestion that many people believe that in order to increase profit we must increase production, and that in order to increase production me must increase operating expense.  Really this is saying we must elevate the system.  Let’s draw this idea.

In fact, in discussing measurements we made the observation that this idea is so entrenched that many people will reel off that; in order to make money you have to spend money.  Let’s examine this in more detail.

There is a saying in English that goes; “if I had a dollar for every time that …., then I would be quite rich.”  You can add whatever is bothering you to complete the sentence.  Let me complete the sentence with something that bothers me.

If I had a dollar for every time that I was told that “yes we understand about bottlenecks, we have identified several, and if any one of them becomes serious enough we will spend some money and increase the capacity,” then I would be quite rich.

Do you see what such a statement tells you?  This is only one step removed from simply raising production across the board.  One step removed because there is at least an awareness that some resources appear to be more constraining than others.  Let’s draw this.

Indeed, if capital is spent and additional capacity is purchased, what do you think the chances are of meeting the original payback calculations?  Very little.  So, at one step removed from the stage of simply increasing production; we are at least aware of the identity of some apparent constraints and that elevating them will have a positive effect.  For many reductionist/local optima proponents the focusing process is just this; identify, elevate, identify, elevate, etc…  In fact, the identification isn’t active, it’s passive, and the apparent constraint must stand out and shout to identify itself.

Let’s extend the corollary then to; if I had a dollar for every time that I was asked to wait until new capacity was install and productivity increased, then I would be even richer.

What does your experience tell you?  New capacity never attains the anticipated production levels put forward in the CAPEX; output is always lower, and payback is always longer than planned.  Do you ever wonder why this should be so?  Basically, we fail to properly exploit our new capacity.  Although it must be said that companies with limited capital resources, companies which must be frugal, may be better at this.

Often when there is a great deal of work-in-process we have phenomenon of “wandering bottlenecks” which is really to say that we have a phenomenon of wandering large batches.  Without some skill, and batch size reduction, it is hard to know where the real bottlenecks lie.  We may simply have broken (elevated) something that wasn’t really a constraint, or broken something with more capacity than was needed.

Therefore, at two steps removed from simply increasing production; we are aware of the identity of apparent constraints, we know elevating them will have a positive effect – and we know that we should at least try to exploit the new situation maximally.  Let’s draw this.

However, once again, when it comes time to elevate the constraint the results will still be less than anticipated.  This is the level that most companies using a reductionist/local optima approach will reach.  The focusing steps are; identify, elevate, exploit – in that order.  To be truly effective we must go one step further.  We must subordinate as well.

At three steps removed from simply increasing production; we are aware of the identity of the constraints, we know to exploit them, and we know that elevating them will have a positive effect – but we also know that first we should try to subordinate the existing situation maximally.  This means not doing things that we don’t need to do, and making sure that we do things that we do need to do.

In production for instance this means releasing work at the rate and lead time necessary to ensure that the constraint is utilized effectively – and to monitor and measure the work that doesn’t arrive at the constraint in good time.  This and this alone will tell us where the next true constraint is.  Without knowledge of the next constraint we can’t properly make a decision on how to elevate the current constraint and we will nearly always over-estimate the anticipated increase in productivity.  This is the systemic/global optimum approach.  This will give you the biggest bang for your buck.  Let’s draw it.

Be careful, our reductionist/local optimization history and experience is action based, not doing things that we don’t need to do requires restraint and understanding, a conscious non-action action.  Yet, this is the key to effective implementation.  Let’s state it; subordination is the key to effective implementation.  Subordination is the step most misunderstood and most misapplied.

The reductionist/local optima approach will always fall short of the full potential achievable by the systemic/global optimum approach.

In the introduction we learnt that under Theory of Constraints “Local optima do not add up to the optimum of the system as a whole.”  Identify, exploit, and elevate alone are just local optimizations.  Subordination makes the 5 step focusing process systemic; “The key to know what to do locally is the realization of the role the system constraints are playing (17).”  We can’t know where the system constraints are without proper subordination.

Rates Of Improvement

The focusing process is iterative; Goldratt calls this POOGI – a Process Of On Going Improvement.  POOGI is quite a common term amongst Theory of Constraint practitioners but rather scarce in published sources and therefore although the term “a process of on-going improvement” is used in 1986 (18) the period at which it morphed into POOGI is obscured.

In a sense POOGI is similar to the PDCA cycle of TQM except that maybe POOGI is more likely to be applied to the dynamics of the process or system and PDCA is more likely to be applied to the detail of a product or individual operation.  These are differences of kind, not absolute.  Let’s examine this a little more closely.

Stata showed that in an environment of continuous improvement, the rate of improvement in individual improvement projects tended to be logarithmic nature (19).  This should be no great surprise; logarithmic rates of change are common in nature.

What it really says is that early on you get large rates of change for a given effort; later on you get less and less additional improvement for the same amount of continuous effort.  We all know from our own personal experience that when we learn or do something new, that after the first tentative steps we progress quickly, and then as we become more proficient further improvement seems slower and slower.  Let’s graph this trend.

This is a graph of incremental improvement – its fine if you can get it.  This is largely the trend that you would get applying the PDCA cycle to an individual project, so let’s add that as well.

How is POOGI different from that?  Well, often we break a constraint before we finished completely exploiting it – or maybe even beginning to elevate it.  The improvement in productivity in the early stages is sufficient that something else becomes more binding on the system than the constraint that we are currently working on, and we must turn our attention to the next constraint.  Let’s draw that in.

So in fact we “jump” the system up a bit.  That doesn’t mean we necessarily stop our continuous improvement initiatives, but it does mean than we have moved our system focus somewhere else.  If we continue to do this – break constraints – we can get significant improvements in very short periods of time.

Now where does POOGI fall in here?  Let’s see.

This is fundamental improvement.  POOGI best describes the individual fundamental improvements that keep jumping the system up to new levels of achievement.  Now ask yourself, for any given amount of time, would you prefer to follow the curve outlined by PDCA, or would you prefer to follow the curve outlined by POOGI?

Focus And Leverage

Debra Smith considers that the Theory of Constraints can be summed up simply with two words: focus and leverage (20).  We focus on each new constraint and leverage off of it.  That is what POOGI does and that is what the diagrams above show.

We could also imagine a physical location for the sequence for this leveraging process regardless of whether the constraints are physical or policy.  The locations could be departments within a plant, or they could be plants or functions within a corporation.

Let’s draw it.

Each time we focus and elevate a constraint we elevate the whole system, we leverage off of the constraint.  Leverage points and constraints are two sides of the same coin. 

Senge notes that small changes can produce big results – but that the areas of highest leverage are often the least obvious (21).  Naturally, if we had already seen the leverage points/constraints we would already have done something about them!  It comes back to our maps of reality, if our reality is one of local optimization we won’t see the leverage points that arise from global optimization.

Now, however, we have in the Theory of Constraint logistical and non-logistical solutions a means to hunt out constraints – the very non-obvious leverage points that Senge is looking for.


We’ve covered a lot of ground in the last few pages.  In the page on measurements we introduced the rules of engagement;

(1)  Define the system.

(2)  Define the goal of the system.

(3)  Define the necessary conditions.

(4)  Define the fundamental measurements.

(5)  Define the role of the constraints.

In the page on measurements we also defined each of the items in some detail but we were left hanging over the role of the constraints.  As we moved into the page on people we were able to resolve some of the conflict over local versus global optimization but once again we couldn’t entirely resolve the conflict over the roles of various parts of the system – essentially we still couldn’t resolve the role of the constraints.  In fact we had to wait until this page to completely answer some of the questions that have been bothering us.  We did this firstly by introducing the process of change, which is characterized as;

(1)  What to change.

(2)  What to change to.

(3)  How to cause the change.

The process of change concept caused us to address the “what to change to” more critically than previously.  Using the concept of leverage we were able to narrow-in or focus-on the constraints.  We introduced Goldratt’s generic sequence of five focusing steps;

(1)  Identify the system’s constraints.

(2)  Decide how to Exploit the system’s constraints.

(3)  Subordinate everything else to the above decisions.

(4)  Elevate the system’s constraints.

(5)  If in the previous steps a constraint has been broken Go back to step 1, but do not allow inertia to cause a system constraint.  In other words; Don’t Stop

Note that we have also now appended the warning about not stopping to the last step.

In fact the five focusing steps – our plan of attack – basically “falls out” of the rules of engagement; a cascade or a drop-down.  We can illustrate this graphically. 

Let’s have a look.

Rules of Engagement

Plan of Attack

(1)  Define the system.


(2)  Define the goal of the system.


(3)  Define the necessary conditions.


(4)  Define the fundamental measurements.

(1)  Identify the system’s constraints.

(5)  Define the role of the constraints.

(2)  Decide how to Exploit the system’s constraints.


(3)  Subordinate everything else to the above decisions.


(4)  Elevate the system’s constraints.


(5)  Go Back - Don’t Stop.

With the five focusing steps in place we were able on this page to define the role of the constraints fully for the first time, and by difference, the role of the non-constraints.  However, initially, we still couldn’t resolve the last conflict; how to ensure that everyone could do their best when there are both constraints and non-constraints present.

In order to resolve this dilemma we had to make sure that the concept of subordination was fully understood.  Too often the steps in the focusing process looks too similar to the steps in the reductionist/local optima approach and we fail to recognize how absolutely critical subordination is to the success of the systemic/global optimum approach – the approach of Theory of Constraints.

With a full appreciation of subordination we can at last understand the measure for “doing our best” regardless of position within the process;

Resources are to be utilized in the creation or protection of throughput, and not merely activated.

This is the definition of doing our best according to the goal of the system.  With such knowledge we can examine any problem from first principles and derive a satisfactory solution that will enable the parts of the system to move in unison towards obtaining the common goal of the system.

However, in order to move in unison towards obtaining the common goal of the system, we must first obtain agreement to the proposed change.  And that is the topic of the next page.


(1) Senge, P. M., (1990) The fifth discipline: the art & practice of the learning organization.  Random House, pp 150-151.

(2) Goldratt, E. M., (1990) What is this thing called Theory of Constraints and how should it be implemented?  North River Press, pp 3-21.

(3) Goldratt, E. M., (1990) The haystack syndrome: sifting information out of the data ocean.  North River Press, pp 58-61.

(4) Schragenheim, E., (1999) Management dilemmas: the Theory of Constraints approach to problem identification and solutions.  St. Lucie Press, pp 5-7

(5) Goldratt, E. M., (1990) What is this thing called Theory of Constraints and how should it be implemented?  North River Press, 162 pp.

(6) Woeppel, M. J., (2000) Manufacturer’s guide to implementing the theory of constraints.  St. Lucie Press, pp 16-17.

(7) Ohno, T., (1978) The Toyota production system: beyond large-scale production.  English Translation 1988, Productivity Press, pg 19.

(8) Goldratt, E. M., (1990) The haystack syndrome: sifting information out of the data ocean.  North River Press, pg 146.

(9) Newbold, R. C. (1998) Project management in the fast lane: applying the Theory of Constraints.  St. Lucie Press, pg 232.

(10) Woeppel, M. J., (2000) Manufacturer’s guide to implementing the theory of constraints.  St. Lucie Press, pg 41.

(11) Goldratt, E. M., In: Cox, J. F., and Spencer, M. S., (1998) The constraints management handbook.  St Lucie Press, pp ix-xi.

(12) Stein, R. E., (1994) The next phase of total quality management: TQM II and the focus on profitability.  Marcel Dekker, pg 105

(13) Schragenheim, E., and Dettmer, H. W., (2000) Manufacturing at warp speed: optimizing supply chain financial performance.  The St. Lucie Press, pg 33.

(14) Senge, P. M., (1990) The fifth discipline: the art & practice of the learning organization.  Random House, pp 313-325.

(15) Schragenheim, E., and Dettmer, H. W., (2000) Manufacturing at warp speed: optimizing supply chain financial performance.  The St. Lucie Press, 342 pp.

(16) Ptak, C. A., with Schragenheim, E., (2000) ERP: tools, techniques, and applications for integrating the supply chain.  St. Lucie Press, 424 pp.

(17) Goldratt, E. M., In: Cox, J. F, and Spencer, M. S. (1998) The constraints management handbook.  St Lucie Press, pp ix-xi.

(18) Goldratt, E. M., and Fox, R. E., (1986) The Race.  North River Press, pg 143-150.

(19) Stata, R. (1989) Organizational learning – the key to management innovation.  Sloan Management Review, Spring, pp 63-74.

(20) Smith, D. (2000) The measurement nightmare: how the Theory of Constraints can resolve conflicting strategies, policies, and measures.  St. Lucie Press, pg 137.

(21) Senge, P. M., (1990) The fifth discipline: the art & practice of the learning organization.  Random House, pp 63-65.

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